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Virtual Numbers

One number to go anywhere in the world

What is Virtual Numbers?

Revolutionary in its nature, virtual number is a cloud based and non-sim route to making dialling and messaging. It allows for seamless communication across geographies with one set of digits where traditional numbers cannot. It is a cost effective, flexible and scalable means of communication where there is no need to change numbers depending on where you are.

Why is there Virtual Numbers?

The digitalisation of traditional numbers to virtual numbers is an effect of the internationalization of personal and professional lives as well as the rising dominance of social media application in our consumption. Virtual numbers allow you to travel and reach different locations without the physical constraints of a single set of sim led number. Therefore businesses with the need to reach global clients and via versa as well as the need for local numbers for application registrations have seen the popularity of virtual numbers.

How does Virtual Numbers work?

Virtual numbers is also known as VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a number which is purchased on the internet only due to its cloud-based nature.

HGC's Virtual Numbers Advantages

Single platform

•Cloud base, stable and ease of adoption from traditional phone lines due to full PTSN replacement

•Cost effective, flexible and scalable with one number that could be used globally

Reputable direct selling

•Selective vendors as to protect the buyer from scams and fraud

•Extensive international and local coverage: 55 direct customer countries and over 100 products

Local expertise and customer support

•Local presence allow ease of entry into a new market as a result of familiarity in the local norms in application of license and business etiquette

•Strong local network avoids uncalled for expulsion from market

•Protection of security due to long term relationships

Locally compliant

•Complaint with local regulations; RNR/ KYC/ BR/RSSP

•Trusted on-boarding journey through close supplier and vendor relationship to maintain transparency, trust and accountability

•Excellent before and after sales customer service that reduces the risk of the customer with necessary documents brought to the notice of both supplier and vendor

Use Case 1: CCaaS


Use Case C Caa S
Use Case C Caa S

Use Case 2: UCaaS


Use Case 3: Masking


Use Case C Caa S
Use Case C Caa S

Use Case 4: Registration/ authentication