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雲端的穩定性及復原性對於制定可行和周全的災難恢復和持續業務運作計劃至關重要。環電的按需雲端連接服務透過採用軟件定義網絡(SDN)技術的國際電信服務銷售平台(HGC International Marketplace),提供穩定可靠的頻寬,客戶可直接連接至多個全球領先的公有雲端服務供應商,包括AWS(Amazon Web Services)雲端、阿里雲、微軟Azure雲端、Google雲端平台等。

Hgc Cloud Connect Services 2




6個月免費按需雲端連接服務 -特點

- 以高達500Mbps速度連接至公有雲端服務供應商(AWS雲端、阿里雲、微軟Azure雲端、Google雲端平台)

- 透過採用SDN技術的國際電信服務銷售平台(HGC International Marketplace),提供接近零接觸的按需雲端連接服務

- 服務受條款細則約束*

*1. 優惠期至2020年4月19日。 2. 不包括連接至客戶機房中心的「最後一哩」連接。解決方案合作夥伴提供的雲端諮詢服務將由其提供詳細資料及報價,並受有關諮詢服務的條款細則所約束。 3. 環電的按需雲端連接服務由環球全域電訊(「環電」)提供,只適用於指定商業客戶。名額有限,額滿即止。 4. 環電的按需雲端連接服務及此優惠受其他條款細則約束(包括環球全域電訊的雲端服務協議,可於我們的網頁查閱「環電的雲端服務協議」。如此優惠的條款細則與環電的雲端服務協議之間存在任何差異,概以後者為準。環電保留隨時更改服務收費、內容及服務條款細則(包括環電的雲端服務協議)的權利而不作另行通知,如有任何爭議,將以環電之最終決定為準。 5. 條款細則以英文版本為主。中英版本如有歧異,請以英文版本為準。


環球全域電訊有限公司可不論直接或透過其聯營公司、代理及/或商業夥伴1,使用本人的個人資料2(“Personal Data”) for direct marketing of the services and/or products as set out below.



  1. 商業夥伴包括與環球全域電訊有限公司已簽訂商業協議之指定行業機構(有關指定行業之資料請參考3)。
  2. Personal Data includes any or all of the following : name, gender, telephone number, fax number, postal address, e-mail address, month and year of birth, and the information on usage of telecommunications and related telecommunications value-added services and relevant HGC Global Communications Limited’s account and service number.
  3. Designated industries include telecommunications and related telecommunications value-added services and/or products, concierge services, flowers and hampers, wedding planning services, personal care and beauty, fashion and apparel, supermarket and department stores, household, catering/ food and beverages, hotels and travelling, entertainment and leisure, high-end consumer products, electrical and electronic products, e-commerce and payment platforms, media, insurance, banking and finance, education, stationery and office equipment, real estate and property management, logistics and transportation, social network services, recruitment, charitable and non-profit making organizations.

If at any time in the future you do not wish HGC Global Communications Limited, its affiliated companies, agents and/or business partners in providing you with any information for direct marketing of the aforesaid products and services relating to HGC Global Communications Limited, its affiliated companies and business partners, please contact us via email suggestion@hgc.com.hk, or by mail to PO Box 33, Tsuen Wan Post Office, Hong Kong or call HGC Global Communications Limited’s Customer Services Hotline 1220 (Voice/IDD Service) / 1222 (Internet Service). If you inform us via email or by post, our customer service representative will contact you for verification purpose.

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HGC AWS Direct Connect

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HGC軟件定義網絡 (SDN)

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4G is about people to people. 5G is about machine to machine. The speed is so fast that it is more than enough for humans. Latency is critical.