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利用MEF 3.0 LSO Sonata API推動無摩擦商業經濟發展


Hgc Insight 23 Mef


Jacqueline Teo

作為由200多家領先的服務和技術供應商組成的行業協會,城域以太網論壇(MEF)最近落實標準化LSO Sonata API 3.0,實現跨運營商和網絡技術領域的服務自動化,全面簡化業務流程,打造優質客戶體驗。

HGC環電是首批應用該平台的服務供應商之一,目前已部署MEF 3.0 LSO Sonata API平台,推動無摩擦商業經濟發展。該平台如何促使運營商網絡優勢互補,助力電信業界推出超越商品化的創新服務? HGC環電首席數字官Jacqueline Teo為你解答。

1. HGC環電支持LSO Sonata的主要推動力是什麼?

數字化轉型的關鍵是開放我們的平台,並讓網絡變得可複用、高效和可擴展。因此,我們選擇服務提供商、電信獨立軟件開發商(ISV)和原始設備製造商(OEM)等均採用的LSO Sonata行業標準,加快運營商與合作夥伴間的聯繫,提高合作效率,把服務更快、更低成本的推出市場。

2. LSO Sonata在短期內最大的機遇是什麼,隨著時間會如何發展?


3. 部署MEF 3.0 LSO Sonata API對MEF 3.0電信級以太網訪問線路服務的最大優勢是什麼?

要成功部署LSO Sonata API,對業務知識和流程解決方案的專業知識至關重要。除此之外,提前測試買賣雙方之間的流程亦是不可或缺的一步。採用MEF 3.0 LSO Sonata是我們API策略重要的一部分,促使我們重新評估內部流程和業務模型。在設計思想的引導下,這項里程碑將進一步推動HGC環電的數字化轉型,了解如何通過大數據打造無摩擦商業,繼而簡化業務流程,滿足客戶的需求。

4. 部署MEF 3.0 LSO Sonata API的過程中有什麼難題?

由於電訊批發提供商間一般有不同買賣用例和流程,導致行業內出現服務定義的差異。我們相信部署LSO Sonata API能促進運營商與合作夥伴間的靈活協作,為終端用戶帶來更優質的服務體驗。


環球全域電訊有限公司可不論直接或透過其聯營公司、代理及/或商業夥伴1,使用本人的個人資料2(“Personal Data”) for direct marketing of the services and/or products as set out below.



  1. 商業夥伴包括與環球全域電訊有限公司已簽訂商業協議之指定行業機構(有關指定行業之資料請參考3)。
  2. Personal Data includes any or all of the following : name, gender, telephone number, fax number, postal address, e-mail address, month and year of birth, and the information on usage of telecommunications and related telecommunications value-added services and relevant HGC Global Communications Limited’s account and service number.
  3. Designated industries include telecommunications and related telecommunications value-added services and/or products, concierge services, flowers and hampers, wedding planning services, personal care and beauty, fashion and apparel, supermarket and department stores, household, catering/ food and beverages, hotels and travelling, entertainment and leisure, high-end consumer products, electrical and electronic products, e-commerce and payment platforms, media, insurance, banking and finance, education, stationery and office equipment, real estate and property management, logistics and transportation, social network services, recruitment, charitable and non-profit making organizations.

If at any time in the future you do not wish HGC Global Communications Limited, its affiliated companies, agents and/or business partners in providing you with any information for direct marketing of the aforesaid products and services relating to HGC Global Communications Limited, its affiliated companies and business partners, please contact us via email suggestion@hgc.com.hk, or by mail to PO Box 33, Tsuen Wan Post Office, Hong Kong or call HGC Global Communications Limited’s Customer Services Hotline 1220 (Voice/IDD Service) / 1222 (Internet Service). If you inform us via email or by post, our customer service representative will contact you for verification purpose.
