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Direct Inward Dialing Number Service

What is Direct Inward Dialing (DID)?

HGC Direct Inward Dialing (DID) / Virtual Number is the numbering services which allows customers to access non-PSTN destinations such as VoIP directly from regular telephones. Inbound callers can reach directly a specific extension/ destination by skipping the phone tree and bypass call queues.

HGC supplies high volume and high quality DID services to telecom and enterprises worldwide via our state-of-art IP network and SIP trunk services.

Phone numbers, everywhere

DID Carrier


DID call center

Customer Service Support Centre

DID calling cards

Calling Cards

DID Conference operator

Conference Operators

Direct Inward Dialing Key Features

  • Extensive international coverage of local, national, mobile and toll-free virtual numbers worldwide worldwide
  • Partner with local Mobile Network Operator (MNO) globally
  • Premium quality, fully-redundant, secure and private network and global voice origination services provision
  • 7 x 24 Network Operations Centre (NOC) monitoring Support
HGC DID services
HGC DID services benefit

Why HGC Direct Inward Dialing Services?

  • Enhance customer user experience with streamlined services
  • Present localized company image
  • Flexible solutions for mobile workforce
Let's get in touch
Let's get in touch

环球全域电讯有限公司可不论直接或透过其联营公司、代理及/或商业伙伴1,使用本人的个人资料2(“Personal Data”) for direct marketing of the services and/or products as set out below.



  1. 商业伙伴包括与环球全域电讯有限公司已签订商业协议之指定行业机构(有关指定行业之数据请参考3)。
  2. Personal Data includes any or all of the following : name, gender, telephone number, fax number, postal address, e-mail address, month and year of birth, and the information on usage of telecommunications and related telecommunications value-added services and relevant HGC Global Communications Limited’s account and service number.
  3. Designated industries include telecommunications and related telecommunications value-added services and/or products, concierge services, flowers and hampers, wedding planning services, personal care and beauty, fashion and apparel, supermarket and department stores, household, catering/ food and beverages, hotels and travelling, entertainment and leisure, high-end consumer products, electrical and electronic products, e-commerce and payment platforms, media, insurance, banking and finance, education, stationery and office equipment, real estate and property management, logistics and transportation, social network services, recruitment, charitable and non-profit making organizations.

If at any time in the future you do not wish HGC Global Communications Limited, its affiliated companies, agents and/or business partners in providing you with any information for direct marketing of the aforesaid products and services relating to HGC Global Communications Limited, its affiliated companies and business partners, please contact us via email suggestion@hgc.com.hk, or by mail to PO Box 33, Tsuen Wan Post Office, Hong Kong or call HGC Global Communications Limited’s Customer Services Hotline 1220 (Voice/IDD Service) / 1222 (Internet Service). If you inform us via email or by post, our customer service representative will contact you for verification purpose.


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See how HGC solutions accelerate your digital transformation journey.

Contact Us

Enquiry: enquiry_DID@hgc.com.hk