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内地云平台专业服务 - 高效大湾区上云部署




  • 根据中华人民共和国法律要求,用户在购买任何在中国大陆使用的阿里云产品前,必须完成实名注册

ICP 注册

  • 根据《互联网信息服务管理办法》,有意在中国大陆地区提供服务的所有网站和移动应用程序 ,必须事先进行ICP 注册才能合法运营


  • 基于最新网络安全等级保护 2.0 的安全合规性体系


  • 客户有义务遵守中国法规。VPN 连接必须在获得认可的云平台供应商的基础设施上运行
Hgc Cloud Solution

加速上云 - 虚拟主机及云端迁移服务包

  • 提升从大陆到海外 SaaS 应用性能
  • 快速部署, 高度可靠, 灵活满足各种业务需求
  • 安全第一解决方案(实时识别、分析、启动异常攻击安全警报)
  • 支持负载平衡故障转移的完全弹性
  • 一站式网络、安全、云、托管服务解決方案
  • 降低运维、IT 成本
  • 用于数据保护的快照备份
  • 远程服务, 以便为海外办事处提供支持
HGC Cloud Solution for GBA
行业 解决方案
新零售 一站式电商拓展方案,助您立足国内,
金融行业 以可靠的基建平台为依托,为金融机构
企业协同 依靠连接紧密的全球网络,为企业提供完
泛互联网 更新及时的高性价比云端产品,加快中小企业轻松上云、发展商务
全新创业 为企业的办公应用程序和服务器提供托管安全服务及技术人支持服务

提升海外远端协作效能 - 提高跨地域合作流量传输速度

企业管理海外分支经常遇到高延迟的跨地域网络,严重妨碍了企业内协作效率。位于中国内地的客户希望提高视频会议室系统/端点与海外协作流量的传输速度,针对该情况, HGC环电以远端协作服务,解决网络连接不稳定的问题, 提升海外办事处与总部连接速度,为用户提高更优质的使用体验。

HGC Cloud Solution for GBA

下载HGC环电大湾区服务资讯 - 高效大湾区上云部署

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环球全域电讯有限公司可不论直接或透过其联营公司、代理及/或商业伙伴1,使用本人的个人资料2(“Personal Data”) for direct marketing of the services and/or products as set out below.



  1. 商业伙伴包括与环球全域电讯有限公司已签订商业协议之指定行业机构(有关指定行业之数据请参考3)。
  2. Personal Data includes any or all of the following : name, gender, telephone number, fax number, postal address, e-mail address, month and year of birth, and the information on usage of telecommunications and related telecommunications value-added services and relevant HGC Global Communications Limited’s account and service number.
  3. Designated industries include telecommunications and related telecommunications value-added services and/or products, concierge services, flowers and hampers, wedding planning services, personal care and beauty, fashion and apparel, supermarket and department stores, household, catering/ food and beverages, hotels and travelling, entertainment and leisure, high-end consumer products, electrical and electronic products, e-commerce and payment platforms, media, insurance, banking and finance, education, stationery and office equipment, real estate and property management, logistics and transportation, social network services, recruitment, charitable and non-profit making organizations.

If at any time in the future you do not wish HGC Global Communications Limited, its affiliated companies, agents and/or business partners in providing you with any information for direct marketing of the aforesaid products and services relating to HGC Global Communications Limited, its affiliated companies and business partners, please contact us via email suggestion@hgc.com.hk, or by mail to PO Box 33, Tsuen Wan Post Office, Hong Kong or call HGC Global Communications Limited’s Customer Services Hotline 1220 (Voice/IDD Service) / 1222 (Internet Service). If you inform us via email or by post, our customer service representative will contact you for verification purpose.


